Today has been anything but boring. Several things have happened, each in their turn, and they have all caused me to pause and reflect. I am trying to weigh the pros and cons of each event in order to help determine if any positivity can come out of them. Play along, won't you?
Today, I was able to:
Vote in my state's primary election.
Pros: I feel like a productive member of society who has a right to complain when I don't like who is in office, especially if her name happens to rhyme with Zillary Flinton.
Cons: My vote probably won't make a difference. Sorry, Mitt.
I went to help in Hannah's class today.
Pros: I get to feel like an active, attentive parent and spend time with my daughter.
Cons: I get to see firsthand all the sniffles, sneezes, and coughs filling the air like a thick, green cloud of doom.
I got called an hour after helping in Hannah's class to come pick her up because she was running a 103-degree fever.
Pros: I would not be going to Cub Scouts tonight.
Cons: I would get to spend the evening holding a feverish, whimpering child who is miserable and sad, instead of touring the firehouse with my den and staring at the strong, handsome men in their uniforms,
which I love to do.
I spent the remainder of the afternoon in the doctor's office.
Pros: None. Are you kidding me?
Cons: Three kids in the waiting room of the doctor's office? Enough said.
The doctor determined that Hannah has a virus and prescribed three to five days of rest, fluids, and children's Motrin.
Pros: None.
Cons: We can look forward to three to five days of feverish, whimpering sadness. More if the green cloud of doom passes from person-to-person, as it frequently likes to do.
Due to the aforementioned sick child, I was forced to cancel a day of planned self-indulgent appointments for myself tomorrow.
Pros: I am saving my husband some money, and that always makes him happy.
Cons: No shopping, browsing, mani/pedi, or movie day for me.
I think the cons have it. Looks like a sucky day, today and tomorrow.